Welcome to Color Me Happy!

I am very excited to share some examples of my artwork with you! Please keep in mind that artwork can be customized through size, colors, names, and theme. You can request a different size for an estimate on a piece of artwork. If you have a theme in mind you can share the theme through a picture or give me a description of what you are envisioning. I LOVE creating new pieces! Prices may vary due to the size of canvas as well as detail of work. Please feel free to scroll through and see different themes that I have created!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Custom Bowtique

These bowtiques make great birthday gifts for little girls!!!

Description: This 5x7 flat canvas was painted with pink, black, and white. The background is a pink with white swirls. A light pink was used to wash over the white swirls. A black was used to border the pink and create the initial A. A glossy black was used to outline the pink background. The ribbon has about 36 inches of room to organize bow, photos, or artwork. A double bow is used to hang this bowtique. The double bow is pink with another bow on top that is black with pink polka dots.
